Codeigniter Purchasing system is a web-based platform that helps businesses of all sizes elevate their entire procurement process to better manage requisitions, generate purchase orders, and monitor spending with full visibility and control into their respective purchase cycle. It has seamless flow of data and customized workflows. Automating the purchasing functions can make your company competitive in its industry to not be merely transactional but strategic enough to transform the way you do business.
Check this link to see how the system flow works. You can test it live on this link and if you are interested, you can buy this product on Codecanyon.
Below are the list of updates for version 1.1:
- Updated to CodeIgniter 3.1.10
- mpdf update for php 7+ compatibility
- HMVC compatibility on php 7.3
- Added multi-language support
- Corrupt logo view
- Fixed the number of action for the head department
- Request list and Report pagination fix
- Fix json error on ajax request
- Added change password on profile
- Remove old password field on users list change password modal
- Faster side menu scrollbar
- Fixed transaction history ID ordering
- Change database table collation to utf8
- Remove the auto round-off prices on canvasser update items
- Fixed mysql float variables saving issue on canvasser update items
- Fixed Responsive issue on Generate PO page
- Fixed for the initiator that cannot edit the request denied from Head department
- Catch writable error when uploading an attachment.
- Ability to override existing javascript file
- Fixed Mysql error for sql_mode=only_full_group_by compatibility
Codeigniter purchasing system features and function
Codeigniter purchasing system can carry out the following functions:
Multi-Language Support – You can use this system having several languages.
User Management – this is the area to start adding personnel involved in the purchasing process. You can edit and update each of their information anytime needed. You need to activate such user and deactivate when necessary.
User Types – major users involved are pre-built in this system. Depending on the company’s authorization process, the following are normally involved in the cycle.
- Administrator / Purchasing
- General User
- Canvasser
- Budget
- Auditor
- Board
- Property or Inventory
Settings – the system will allow you use your own customization of the process
- Flexibility
- Changeable email templates with shortcodes
- Changeable Status Text and color
- Branches
- Supplier
- Products
- Category
Dashboard – overview of the things going on in the process. You have the snapshot of the following:
- View the number of request and the current request being processed
- One (1) week interval graph of requests and users
- Non-admin view announcements and the progress of each request
Requests -this is the area to view and execute requisition of goods or services.
- List of Requests
- Wizard for the new request
- You can add an attachment and description on each item if necessary.
- View amount in total per supplier
Head Approval – this user is pre-selected as the approving personnel to approve requests of his/her staffs or may re-assigned to any user of the same level of capability. This department head function has the ability to approve or deny requests submitted by general user
Canvassing system – this the unique part of the process as you can have the visibility and comparison of those suppliers and canvassed materials before making a decision who to choose among them. See details below:
- Ability to enter list of canvassed materials and suppliers with corresponding quotes for admin to view
- Ability to view selected canvassed materials and suppliers for comparison and approval
- Ability to enter up to four suppliers for each canvassed item requested.
- Auto compute feature easily determines lowest price amongst the supplier presented in the canvassing.
Budget Approve/Deny request – following the financial consideration of the company for any purchasing action, the budget users will determine approval and denial of such request.
Board Approve/Deny request – this is to acknowledge the authorization involved for higher purchases that will greatly affect company’s financial standing.
Generate PO – the importance of generating purchase orders has been recognized all across any businesses. It will have the complete and accurate details of your purchase and suppliers information.
Audit approve/deny request – accounting is always involved in this flow and the audit section and users will simply attest to the generally accepted standard of the process.
Property or Inventory – this is the receiving users or department that completes the cycle once entered and acknowleged as complete delivery of goods or services.
Print and View reports – even automation will not let go of the conventional records. This system will allow you to have an easy view and thorough analysis of each report generated.